Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Young adults

learning, serving and fellowship

Whether you are new to Charlotte or have been here for your whole life, you’ll find a community built on faith, compassion, generosity and love. Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletters.  


We are grateful for your interest in Young Adults at Covenant!

Our goal is to continually build a community of friends who serve together, learn together, and share life’s ups and downs together. We would love for you to be a part of it.

Whether you are new to Charlotte or have been here for your whole life, you’ll find a community built on faith, compassion, generosity, and love here at Covenant. We strive to be a place where each and every person feels supported, while also being a ministry which serves the wider community and world.  

Upcoming Events

  • Work From (church) Home: On the first Thursday of each month, you are invited to join us at Covenant to work remotely, to enjoy fellowship, breakfast, and a brief service of worship. RSVPS are not necessary, but it will help us plan accordingly – you can sign up to join us here! Our next date is Thursday, April 3rd.
  • First Sunday Lunches: Join us for lunch on the first Sunday of each month around 12:30pm or immediately following 11:00 worship. FSLs are a wonderful space for both new and old faces, and we always encourage you to bring a friend. Location changes month to month — see below for our upcoming plans
    • April: Sabor in Elizabeth
    • May: Yafo on East Blvd
  • YA CAMPS: Date to be determined. This two-night, canoe-camping adventure will take place on the Long Arm Peninsula in Lake James State Park. We will depart by canoe / kayak to a secluded, lakefront camping area for a weekend of nature, fellowship, and relaxation! All levels of camping-experience are welcome and registration will open this spring. For those interested in learning more about what this excursion might include, please reach out to James Arney.

Community learning

Covenant Young Adults believe that we are called to learn with and from one another, which is why we offer multiple opportunities to learn together throughout the year. Whether it is through joining a Life Group or participating in Adult Education, we hope you’ll join us to grow in faith and in community. If you find yourself looking at these offerings and unsure where specifically to get involved, or perhaps hoping for a new, uncreated space, please reach out. It would be our great joy to expand our opportunities for community learning, and to partner with you in doing so.

Young Adult Life Groups

Covenant is a large congregation, but we understand the importance of small, close-knit, communities. That’s why we encourage our members and participants to be involved in Life Groups. Life Groups provide the space for both spiritual friendship and spiritual growth, and we’ve seen them to be the local of transformation within the life of faith.
Covenant Young Adults hosts a number of Life Groups. Some choose to meet weekly, and others meet seasonally. However it is that you’re looking to participate, we’d love to help you find the right space and time. Contact Mary Kate Sykes to learn more, and/or review our Small Group FAQ.

Fellow-Ed Events

Throughout the year, Covenant YA hosts one-off opportunities to gather for both fellowship and education. This year, we look forward to hosting three Fellow-Ed Events. As we expand and develop this ministry offering, we invite your ideas and suggestions as to topics of interest. In the meantime, we hope you’ll join us for the following, some dates TBD:

  • Mindful Transitions with Karen Willis
  • Finding Freedom with your Finances with Bob Henderson


Monthly (or so) at McCreesh Place

Covenant YA partners with Supportive Housing Communities (SHC) and specifically, with McCreesh Place, Charlotte's first permanent supportive housing community, located in NoDa.  McCreesh Place is home to 90 formerly homeless men and women and we are grateful to call them friends and neighbors.  We spend time with folks at McCreesh Place monthly, participating in a range of activities that offer space for relationship building - in the past, this has included working in the garden, hosting BINGO and sharing meals.  Contact us to learn more about upcoming opportunities.  

Seasonal Service Projects

Throughout the year, we gather to support significant group projects such as Covenant Impacts Charlotte (our church-wide day of service), Habitat for Humanity builds, or environmental cleanups. We'd love to have you participate in our next one!

Global and Regional Mission Work

We encourage young adults to participate in Covenant-sponsored mission trips around the world. These offerings occur throughout the year and are a great way to serve, learn, and build connections across our church community.


At Covenant Young Adults we strive to cultivate meaningful, lasting, and faith-centered friendships. As such, we create regular opportunities for you to meet new people and strengthen existing relationships. We hope you will consider joining us! Our fellowship events are always open to all young adults, and they are a great way to plug in if you are new to Charlotte or Covenant.

First Sunday Community Meal
On the first Sunday of each month we gather at a local restaurant at 12:30 to share a meal and conversation together. It is a great way to catch-up, meet new friends, and explore the city! See our “Upcoming Events” to learn more about our next gathering.

Work From (Church) Home
Over the past two years or so (really since Covid), many have had a change in work environment – some of us are fully in person, others hybrid, and others completely remote. For those looking for a change of scenery on the hybrid and remote days of work, we invite you to join Covenant YA as we “Work From (church) Home together on the First Thursday of each month.
From 8:30am – 12:30pm, you are invited to join us in the upper rooms of the Fellowship Hall where breakfast and coffee will be provided, as well as colleagues to work beside. The program will close with a brief service of song, scripture, and prayer.
RSVPS are not necessary but will help us plan accordingly – you can sign up to join us here! Upcoming dates include February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, and May 1st. Interested in contributing to our breakfast spread? Note your contribution here.

Park Play Dates
 The “Parents and Families” branch of YA Ministry hosts Park Play Dates every few months to provide space for fellowship among parents with young children. These are held on Saturday mornings (9AM – 11AM) at Latta Park in Dilworth. Coffee and pastries are provided. Latta has a wonderful playground, and we hope you’ll join us for a morning of fellowship and play! See our “Upcoming Events” to learn more about our next gathering.

Seasonal and Special Events
Throughout the year we seek to host several special and seasonal events. This includes larger gatherings such as our summer kickoff (Camp Covenant), an annual Fall Retreat, Friendsgiving, and a Christmas Party. It also includes one-off events, like Happy Hours and Tennis Clinics.
Several of our special and seasonal events have already been scheduled, and we hope you’ll save the date for:
  • Camp Covenant: Sunday, June 8th, 2:00 – 5:00pm
  • YA Fall Retreat at Dreaming Stone Arts and Ecology Center in Rutherfordton, NC:  October 10 – 12th
Whether you’ve been around for a while or are exploring Covenant, we’d love to have you!

Interested in connecting with us?

People seek out a church for many different reasons. To learn more and get connected, drop Mary Kate Sykes a line below and she will reach out. Or sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.