Covenant ministers

Phone: 704.333.9071
Bob Henderson
Senior Minister, Head of Staff
Bob's ministry has focused on the centrality of worship, on pastoral care, and on vibrant mission programs.
He is interested in creating and leading dynamic worship that is faithful to Reformed Theology. "With the dawn of the new millennium, the church stands at a critical juncture in her history.
He is interested in creating and leading dynamic worship that is faithful to Reformed Theology. "With the dawn of the new millennium, the church stands at a critical juncture in her history.

Phone: 704.804.7580
Katherine Kerr
Senior Associate Minister for Congregational Life and Pastoral Care
Katherine's greatest joy in ministry is making connections with people in order to share God’s love and spread God’s word. Whether in worship, in conversation, or through serving together, it is our human connections that most profoundly show us how God is at work in our world.

Phone: 704.804.7572
Grace Lindvall
Associate Minister for Education
Prior to her time at Covenant, Grace served as an associate pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlotte since 2015. She holds a BA in political science and English and a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Grace has held various internships during seminary, including youth ministry, worship leadership and Bible study curriculum development. She also served in Rwanda and Kenya.

Phone: 704.804.7573
Mary Kate Sykes
Pastoral Resident – Education
Mary Kate, a child of Covenant, is known to many at the church as a member, a People in Mission intern, and as an Interim Middle School Youth Leader in 2016. After graduating from Sewanee: The University of the South with a degree in psychology and minor in education and religion, Mary Kate worked with both Trinity Episcopal School as an instructional assistant and as an international leader for Moondance Adventures. While in seminary, her internships included Central Presbyterian Church, UKirk Atlanta, and a chaplaincy with Chris180 in Atlanta. Prior to joining Covenant as Pastoral Resident, Mary Kate was serving as Ministry Coordinator at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta.

Phone: 704.804.7577
Serenitye Taylor
Pastoral Resident – Congregational Life and Pastoral Care
Serenitye has a passion for being in loving community with others. Her interest includes pastoral care and chaplaincy. She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in English and is a recent graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. She has served as a volunteer for Hospice in Rock Hill, SC as well as a Chaplain intern at Atrium Hospital. Serenitye believes that it is a privilege to serve alongside others and with those in need.

Phone: 704.804.7578
Nikki Zimmermann
Pastoral Resident – Mission and Outreach
Nikki was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia before heading to UNC-Chapel Hill for undergraduate studies. After college, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee as part of the 2016 Teach for America Corps where she taught 6th grade ELA. From Nashville, Nikki moved to Princeton, New Jersey to begin her studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. During her third year in the Master of Divinity program, Nikki served as the Pastor of Sunday Worship at Kingston United Methodist in Kingston, NJ. When she is not at church, Nikki can be found on a bike ride, a run, or reading on her Mezzanine porch.
Current Elders
As a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in the Presbytery of Charlotte, Covenant is organized according to the denomination's Book of Order. Men and women are nominated and elected by the congregation to serve three-year terms as ordained elders.
Session minutes can be downloaded below.

Amanda Abrahm

John Beyer

Whitney Bouknight

Bill Cathey

Alex Chinery

Wilson Cooper

Janet Delery

Vincet Disandro

Jim Dobbins

Judy Emken

Ashley Friello

David Frost

Anne Gildea

Robin Goodson

Stephen Hicks

Vince Hindman

Terry Horne

Amy Hunter

Philip James

Hope Kluttz

Beth Koonce

Abby Liu

Jacquelyn McAbee

John McAlister

Teresa Moore

Alexa Reynolds

Bill Saunders

Jordan Schriefer

Kim Spivey

Ben Unger

Lou Watson

Sarah Wilson
Session Minutes
Church Committee members
Our variety of ministries can only be successful with leadership and assistance from across the congregation.
Our variety of ministries can only be successful with leadership and assistance from across the congregation.
Each year the Committee on Assignments works to help people find a place to serve that matches their gifts and interests.
Click here for a list of many of those serving in ministry areas this year.
Each year the Committee on Assignments works to help people find a place to serve that matches their gifts and interests.
Click here for a list of many of those serving in ministry areas this year.