Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Elder Nominations

Elder Nomination form

Covenant's Elder Nominating Committee is seeking nominees for Elder and Youth Elder.
The church will elect 10 adults and two youth for terms beginning in January 2025.
Please submit this form or mail nominations by July 24, 2024 to:
Covenant Presbyterian Church
c/o Elder Nominations, Attn. Lynne Koeniger
1000, E. Morehead St.
Charlotte, NC 28204

You may also share your nominations directly with any of the Elder Nominating Committee members:
Grace Williams (chair), Burnet Tucker (co-chair), Lauren Batten, Shannon Brennan, J.D. DuPuy, Meg Fryling, Gene Graziano, Thomas Lineberger, Kelli McAlister, Don Upton