Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Children at Covenant

a welcome and vital part of the community

Our children's ministry aims to give children a church home where they are called by name, discover discipleship, and grow in love of God and others.

Vacation Bible School 2025

Join us for a week of fun, faith and fellowship.  Open to all children age 4 (by March 1, 2025) through 5th grade.  This year, VBS will take place
Monday, August 4th through Friday, August 8th.  Registration opens March 1, 2025 and will close on June 1, 2025!  For more information, email Amber Brown.
Sign up here 

Aftercare August 4 - August 7

Recreation Ministry is providing Aftercare on Monday through Thursday for families looking for childcare to extend the Vacation Bible School day. For more information, email Kevin Harper.
Sign up here 

Sunday School at Covenant

Childcare is provided every Sunday for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers on the 1st floor of the education building from 9:15am-12:15pm. The threes/ fours, and five's/Kindergarten classes meet each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for an hour of play, crafts and a bible story on the 1st floor.  First grade through fifth grade students meet each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in classrooms located on the 2nd floor. You may also choose to have your child join you in the 9:30 worship service and then join us after a "Time with Young Disciples" when a shepherd will walk them over to the education building.   Sunday school is run by parents. If your child attends Sunday school this fall, you’re needed to lead Sunday school as well. With everyone’s support, you’ll only be needed to teach one Sunday! Please see the links to sign up below. No prior knowledge is needed, and the lessons and supplies will be provided for you. It’s only about 30 minutes of fun before joining the whole group Bible retell in “Power Up” where another shepherd will lead.  Thank you for your support of our children and the vibrant Children's Ministry at Covenant. Learn more and sign up by clicking on the appropriate age or grade class listed below.

children's ministry overview

With special times on Sundays and Wednesdays, and through our weekday preschool, we share Christian values and themes in a variety of ways — through songs, drama, crafts and service. We also give parents tools and resources to help them guide their child’s spiritual development.
Children are welcome in all worship services, can attend age-appropriate Sunday School classes, and are encouraged to participate in other programs within the church. If you have any questions or would like to get connected, contact Amber Brown.  


B.L.A.S.T (formally known as Young Scholars) enjoy learning bible stories, important scripture passages, and fun activities like making prayer bracelets.
Children's Ministry offers two time slots to enjoy Young Scholars for children in 1st through 5th grades.
Children in 4th and 5th grades will meet at 5:45pm - 6:30pm and children in 1st through 3rd grade will meet at 6:30pm - 7:30pm each Wednesday night in room 207 in the Education Wing during Open Table.  Enter through the Welcome Center.

Children's Annual Milestone Programs

Children are spiritual beings.  They come to us with a sense of curiosity, playfulness, imagination, and a connection to something larger than themselves.  Our charge both as parents and as the church is to sustain and deepen that connection.  Consequently, Covenant offers a series of worship and education opportunities designed to nurture children and families into a life of faith.

Child of the Covenant - Infants & Toddlers
A celebration of babies born and adopted into the Covenant family in the previous year, Child of the Covenant is an annual worship celebration and reception to connect our families to programs offered in the Children’s Ministry, Women’s Circles and other families with young children. The occasion includes a reception, fellowship and group photo.

Christmas and Easter Worship – Kindergarteners
Each year at Christmas and Easter, our kindergarteners lead the Children’s services with reenactments of the Christmas and Easter stories.

Ready, Set, Worship 
As they advance in grade level, children take part in faith formation milestones to learn about worship traditions.
Grade 1:  Children and families get ready, get set and learn to worship together by examining the Sacrament of Communion. The class finishes with their participation in World Communion Sunday.    
Grade 2: Children and families learn about the Sacrament of Baptism, and if not yet baptized, offered the opportunity to be baptized during worship.
Grade 3: Children participate in a Bible game night and are then presented with Bibles in worship.
Grade 4: Tour the Sanctuary and Bell Tower with an eye on the meaning of Sacred Spaces.
Grade 5: Children and families participate in a one-day workshop on the relationship between Faith and Sexuality. Adolescents and parents learn about body image and healthy attitudes toward God's gift of sexuality. Breakout discussion groups are led by trained facilitators. Fifth graders typically attend from 9 a.m. to noon followed by lunch and a movie break. Parents are invited from noon to 2 p.m. Parents and kids will join each other for the conclusion.

Amber Brown 

Interim Director of Children's Ministry

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