about our pastoral residency program
This two-year residency program welcomes seminary graduates who hold particular promise as pastors and wish to develop their ministerial skills in the context of a supportive multi-staff environment.
The three residencies are: Mission & Outreach, Congregational Care and Education.
The Residency program at Covenant is unique in design, allowing the Resident primary responsibility in their respective area while enjoying support and guidance from supervising staff. Our four weekly worship services of multiple styles grant a plethora of opportunities for worship leadership. In addition, the Residents’ bi-weekly meetings with the Senior Minister provide a safe environment in which to explore vocational issues and to clarify pastoral experience.
Covenant is a mission-minded congregation that embraces innovations as we live out our calling to love God and each other. We have been blessed with consistent growth in our worship attendance, membership and mission endeavors,
and are committed to responding to the Spirit’s call as we discern how best to serve in the future.
With our location in the thriving Dilworth neighborhood on the edge of uptown, Covenant responds to the spiritual needs of people from many walks of life. Our steeple graces the skyline of Charlotte, reminding us and our neighbors we are loved by God and called to share that love. Our main entrance, open to all, bears the words, "To the Greater Glory of God” reminding us why we are here.

Mission & Outreach
The resident will work collaboratively with the Director for Mission and Outreach to accomplish the ministry goals of the Mission and Outreach Committee, with a three-fold emphasis: missional, pastoral, and vocational work.
The resident will work collaboratively with the Director for Mission and Outreach to accomplish the ministry goals of the Mission and Outreach Committee, with a three-fold emphasis: missional, pastoral, and vocational work.

Congregational Life and Care
The resident will work collaboratively with the Senior Associate Minister for Congregational Life and Pastoral Care to accomplish the ministry goals of the Congregational Life Committee, with a three-fold emphasis: programmatic, pastoral, and vocational work.
The resident will work collaboratively with the Senior Associate Minister for Congregational Life and Pastoral Care to accomplish the ministry goals of the Congregational Life Committee, with a three-fold emphasis: programmatic, pastoral, and vocational work.

The resident will work collaboratively with the Associate Minister for Education to accomplish the ministry goals of the Education Committee,
with a three-fold emphasis: educational, pastoral, and vocational work.
The resident will work collaboratively with the Associate Minister for Education to accomplish the ministry goals of the Education Committee,
with a three-fold emphasis: educational, pastoral, and vocational work.
meet our current residents

Mary Kate Sykes
Mary Kate, a child of Covenant, is known to many at the church as a member, a People in Mission intern, and as an Interim Middle School Youth Leader in 2016. After graduating from Sewanee: The University of the South with a degree in psychology and minor in education and religion, Mary Kate worked with both Trinity Episcopal School as an instructional assistant and as an international leader for Moondance Adventures. While in seminary, her internships included Central Presbyterian Church, UKirk Atlanta, and a chaplaincy with Chris180 in Atlanta. Prior to joining Covenant as Pastoral Resident, Mary Kate was serving as Ministry Coordinator at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. Mary Kate has long felt called to work at the intersection of faith, service, education, authentic community, and opportunities to accompany others. In her role at Covenant, Mary Kate is doing just this.
Serenitye Taylor
Congregational Life and Care
Serenitye has a passion for being in a loving community with others. Her interest includes pastoral care and chaplaincy. She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in English and is a recent graduate of Union Presbyterian Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. She has served as a volunteer for Hospice in Rock Hill, SC as well as a Chaplain intern at Atrium Hospital. Serenitye believes that it is a privilege to serve alongside others and with those in need.
Nikki Zimmermann
Mission & Outreach
Nikki was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia before heading to UNC-Chapel Hill for undergraduate studies. After college, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee as part of the 2016 Teach for America Corps where she taught 6th grade ELA. From Nashville, Nikki moved to Princeton, New Jersey to begin her studies at Princeton Theological Seminary. During her third year in the Master of Divinity program, Nikki served as the Pastor of Sunday Worship at Kingston United Methodist in Kingston, NJ. When she is not at church, Nikki can be found on a bike ride, a run, or reading on her Mezzanine porch.