Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Congregational Notes

Submit information for Congregational Notes to Michelle Williamson (704.804.7560).
Please keep the following individuals and families in your prayers:

Congratulations To

Asher Jordan Maddalon, Billy Dal Maddalon, Kyah Elliana Maddalon, Jordon Shelley Maddalon, Walter Brooks Shelley, and Giovyanna Weisler on the occasion of their baptisms on March 23 at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Welcome New Members

Jane and David Conner (Kira and Karis)

In Loving Memory of

None to report at this time.

Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, says the Spirit. - Revelation 14:13

Our Sympathy and Love To

None to report at this time.

Prayers for Healing

Donna Goodwin
Brenda Moricle
Mary Jane Ramsey
Dottie Stowe
Jane H. Taylor

Memorial Services

A service of celebration of the life of

Charles Helms on March 22 at 11:00 a.m. in the Covenant Chapel.

Live Stream here: