Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Sunday Events Speakers & Classes

Watch video recordings of our speakers on our YouTube Channel.

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on Zoom

Grow your faith, explore your connection to the ministry of the church, and deepen your understanding of scripture and theology with our new FAITH Talks. We encourage you to consider a way to participate that will allow you to grow your faith and explore your connection to the church. Perhaps that means choosing a regular rhythm to your participation by coming the same week each month, dabbling into the talks that most intrigue you, or leaning into our theme for the year and going “all in” by becoming a regular attendee of the FAITH Talks.

Each month will follow the themes below:

First Sundays: Contemporary Issues
Focus on Charlotte community concerns and social justice issues anchored by the church theme of “All In.”
Second Sundays: Covenant Community Forums
Through stories, interviews, and education we’ll learn how Covenant is serving God through our various ministries.
Third Sundays: In the Beginning...the Bible
New Testament Scholar Suzanne Henderson focuses on scriptural exploration of the theme for the month.
Fourth Sundays: Presby 101
Explore how the Presbyterian Church works, what the Presbyterian Church believes, and how the Presbyterian Church came into existence.
Fifth Sunday: Hospitality Hour
Enjoy time with your church family over brunch, meet new friends and see those you haven’t in some time!
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Did you miss a talk? Each class is available on our YouTube Channel. Click here to watch a recording of a FAITH Talks class.

Suzanne Henderson

Sunday, March 16
9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on and on Zoom

Beyond Belief: Discipleship Then and Now: What if being a Christian is less about what we believe and more about how we live? Join us for a deep dive into the Gospel of Mark as we explore Jesus’s community organizing impulses, his power-sharing agenda, and his 2000-year-old call to discipleship that just might turn our attitudes, words, and actions toward the good news of God’s Executive Orders. Bring your questions, your joy, your angst, and especially your openness to what the Spirit might do among us!

Presby 101

Join us every fourth Sunday through May.
9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on and on Zoom

You go to a Presbyterian church, but what does it mean to be “Presbyterian?" Join us as we launch a new “Presby 101” class that will explore how the Presbyterian Church works, what the Presbyterian Church believes, and some of how the Presbyterian Church came into existence.