Covenant Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC

Covenant One Takes – Julia and Sarah

Jul 20, 2020    Julia Watkins / Sarah Crowder    Thinking Bigger Than Oneself

"I have curiously found this to be a time of renewal. I didn't expect that. I have done tons of gardening. I think I'm noticing more. And I am staying in better touch with my extended family."

In today's edition of One Takes, Sarah Crowder shares how she's finding fulfillment in a time of physical separation from friends and loved ones.

"I am keenly aware of how privileged and comfortable my life is, particularly now," Sarah said. "That has reinforced my need to do something that feels bigger than myself. Small things –Texas Hash, sandwiches for the Men's Shelter, Freedom School snack bags -- and I will say that dropping things off at the church is a whole lot of fun."