Heather Potter
Director of Traditional Music

Heather Williams Potter serves as the Director of Traditional Music at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she oversees all aspects of traditional worship and leads children and youth choirs. Dr. Potter holds degrees in music education and choral conducting from Furman University, Arizona State University, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Additionally, she has completed Level III in the Choral Music Experience certification course and holds Choristers Guild Children’s Choir Leadership certification. Dr. Potter has trained singers in the middle school, high school, and college classroom, and she has taught music education methods courses for undergraduates.
For eighteen years, Dr. Potter served as an Associate Conductor and then as Artistic Director of the ARTS+Charlotte Children’s Choir with three ensembles training treble voices ages 8-18. As an active clinician, Dr. Potter frequently conducts treble ensembles for music conferences, festivals, and honor choirs. She was a member of the Choristers Guild Institute faculty for 10 years, and she is often invited by churches and organizations to provide training for children’s choir directors and volunteers. Dr. Potter has published articles relating to training young voices and developing choral programs in churches, and she recently completed the introduction for Of Primary Importance, volume III published by Choristers Guild.
Dr. Potter is a Past-President of the Choristers Guild National Board and serves on the advisory board for the Choristers Guild Institute. She has served ACDA as the North Carolina and the Southern Division R&S Chair for Children and Youth Community Choirs. She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her husband, Kenney, and their children Syl and Calvin.
For eighteen years, Dr. Potter served as an Associate Conductor and then as Artistic Director of the ARTS+Charlotte Children’s Choir with three ensembles training treble voices ages 8-18. As an active clinician, Dr. Potter frequently conducts treble ensembles for music conferences, festivals, and honor choirs. She was a member of the Choristers Guild Institute faculty for 10 years, and she is often invited by churches and organizations to provide training for children’s choir directors and volunteers. Dr. Potter has published articles relating to training young voices and developing choral programs in churches, and she recently completed the introduction for Of Primary Importance, volume III published by Choristers Guild.
Dr. Potter is a Past-President of the Choristers Guild National Board and serves on the advisory board for the Choristers Guild Institute. She has served ACDA as the North Carolina and the Southern Division R&S Chair for Children and Youth Community Choirs. She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her husband, Kenney, and their children Syl and Calvin.